In this visual memory exercise, the important thing is to concentrate on and do it daily if it is possible. Children with poor visual memory may struggle with comprehension. If we have trouble inputting information into our short term memory, we can’t process it into our long term memory for permanent storage. You can also print out pictures with many objects and give your child a set. Picture Study Picture study is more like an activity for you to work on your abilities. This production of a memory image to the ‘inner eye’ is a visual representation of episodic memory, a memory system that stores information about personal facts and episodes. Visual Memory Visual Memory is the ability to remember for immediate recall the characteristics of a given object or form. Visual memory is one of many visual processes that affect the way children. Your exact definition of visual memory in a specific context matters if you want to reach your goal. Keep context in mind as you go through these twelve approaches, however. For most of us, it will be easy to recall images inside our head, using our mind’s eye. Now we come to the question of improving visual memory.
They are suitable for all the people from different age groups. How to Improve Visual Memory: 13 Visual Memory Exercises and Activities. He hypothesized that language, which aided human cognitive development, commandeered skills that had already evolved, such as fine visual and auditory analysis. In this way, memory games develop your visual memory and provide you with sharper eyes. It surprised Paivio that, given how evolutionarily recent written language is, people encode anything verbally at all (Paivio 1991, 343). Paivio’s evidence for the cognitive role of visual mental imagery played an important part in the imagery debates between 1975-1995 when psychologists argued over whether the visual mental images people experience reflect the neural processes underlying cognition. Seeing a frog brings to mind the word “frog” (in whatever language one speaks), and hearing or reading “frog” may evoke a mental picture of a frog. Paivio went on to propose the dual coding hypothesis, which maintains that people encode memories in “independent but partly interconnected” word- and image-based symbolic systems (Paivio 1991, 326).

Source: Katie, "Dual Coding Theory." March 16, 2011.